Monday, November 19, 2012

Star Wars Kinect: Is this the reason Lucas sold his shares of Lucasfilm and arts?

Star Wars Kinect: Is this the reason Lucas sold his shares of Lucasfilm and arts?
I've never understood the attraction to Kinect anyway. Making the connection to the SW Kid is brilliant. And yes, the dance off was and is a stupid idea. But, damn it is funny to watch.
Will Disney release another one of these?


  1. Oh that reminds me... there is a video series by Jontron and Egoraptor where they just play games together, and it is epic (it is like a let's play).

    They are taking on a lot of games including the horrific Sonic 06.

    Their channel is called the GameGrumps.

  2. I have to check it out. I love these guys videos.

    i have to see the Sonic 06 because it is a very bad game. I remember playing the demo and being putoff by the controls.

  3. It just looks so bad. Like almost unplayable.

  4. It is, it like Sonic was walking on butter with tons of errors. Kind of like the buggy Sonic Adventure, even though that game is much better.
