Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pitbull: Shake Senora

Pitbull:  Shake Senora
This song just proves that I’m too old for this shit. 
I have a friend that has completely different taste in music from me.  She likes some really bad songs from some really bad artists.  She tends to lend toward the 2000sdance stuff, which I tend to loathe a lot.  This song is no different.  She posted this on her Facebook page and I almost cut my ears off with a PS2 controller. 
Pitbull has certainly kept his losing streak of bad songs with this piece of shit.  This might very well be his worst song ever, and that is saying a lot.  Somehow, he took a classic and turned it into a beeping and blooping dance mix that sounds like a distance cousin to the Hot Problems and Friday.  I mean who the hell can dance to this mess? 
This is almost unlistenable.  This sounds like something on demo from those old MTV videogames.  
Oh, let’s makes it worst by adding T-Pain and Sean Paul and you get a cornucopia of shitty dance music from the 2000s era.  Nothing on this song is redeemable.
Best lines from the track…“My girl got a big ole booty.  Your girl got a little ole booty.”
Thanks, Pitbull for comparing another man’s old lady’s ass with your lady’s ass.  That’s mighty d-bag of you. 
I dare you to listen to the entire song all the way through.  Thank you, Pitbull for making me feel that much older.  

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