Friday, November 02, 2012

Missing Empire Strikes Back “Making of”

Missing Empire Strikes Back “Making of”
Here's that missing “making of” video that has finally surfaced after all these years. I heard that no one really remembered making this film, and it got lost. Reports are this documentary was scrapped, but nobody really knows why.
From, ((Filmmaker Michel Parbot shot a ton of footage and interviews for a documentary that never happened, though a bit of the work eventually surfaced in the SPFX: The Empire Strikes Back doc. But most of it was left forgotten on the shelf. ))
Did Lucas hate what he saw and threw it out?
Rumor has it there is more of this footage out there. Now, if someone can unearth the Star Trek TMP footage from scrapped documentary, that would be grand.
-What is up with the One-Eyed Yoda? Was that the original plan to have him with one eye?
-Some of the Yoda models seem a bit “off”. 

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