Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Iron Man 3 trailer

Iron Man 3 trailer
Okay, call me interested.  While I don’t like the voiceover from the new villain, I like seeing the images from the new movie.  It appears Tony is a different person after the events from The Avengers.   From NJ.com, ((We see Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) armored suits explode and missiles hit his palatial estate. ))
That scene with suits being blown up is a cool moment. Why are the suits being destroyed?
So, Tony has one suit now. That's pretty cool. While I am still not sold on Ben Kingsley as “The Mandarin, I'll go with it.  And, it should be known that Shane Black is writing and directing this entry.  Black is a skillful guy, so look for this story to be darker than the last two movies.  Plus, this feels like the movie that IM2 wanted to be. 

Side note: Director of IM 1-2 Jon Favreau, will be back as Tony’s man Happy.
 Ben Kingsley has done a lot of shit over the years.  
 Really cool picture.  The Red white and blue color suit is War Machine.  He might go back a different name though.  

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