Thursday, October 04, 2012

Country Justice: Revenge of the Rednecks (probably the worst videogame I've ever seen)

Country Justice: Revenge of the Rednecks (probably the worst videogame I've ever seen)
Wow, this game might be worst than Superman 64. I actually remember seeing this in the cheap bin at Walmart or K-Mart. This game is down right bad. Since it came from Valuesoft, you should be prepared for this shit. You can get this piece of shit on Amazon for about 7.95. I think that might be too much.
The best part is reading the reviews on Amazon.
By the way, are these “value” games still around today?
By the way, the busty chick on the cover is NOT in the game.  I guess it was for marketing purposes.  And, why is the moonshine on fire with her holding it like she's going to drink it?  
-Why does the main character have an Elvis voice?
-Killer three-headed dogs: These things are walking around the trailer park and no one seems to be worried about this.
-Killer Cows: Yes, they are pretty scary.
-Falling through the floor: This seems to be the main problem with shitty games.
-Why is the main villain Indian?
-When I think of first person shooters, I don't think of shooting mutant cows.

 I love the off-brand vending machines in the background.  

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