Wednesday, October 10, 2012

CM Punk hits fan on RAW

CM Punk hits fan on RAW
It gives a whole new meaning to “Shit hitting the fan”.
Well, his name is “Punk”. While I don't watch much WWE anymore, I do like CM Punk. I wouldn't call it a punch but more of a power slap. If you're standing in a crowd of WWE fans, someone is going to want to touch you. Chill out, CM Punk.
From, ((Earlier reports about the Punk punching incident noted that the WWE champion hit the "wrong guy," so to speak, as someone else shoved him and then Punk reacted and hit a larger guy behind him.  ))
Yeah, CM hit some Schmuck  that was sitting there in his shades just chilling. Of course the guy that got hit is now complaining of “back pain”. I smell lawsuit.  (As I write this, it looks like a lawsuit is pending).  Just take your hit and don't sue.  It is something you can tell to your kids at some point.  I wish I had a story of Hulk Hogan bitch slapping me back in the 80s.  
 And, hitting your fans isn't the way to rebuild your brand, WWE. I understand why CM went crazy though thanks to the second video, but where was the security? The crowd really started to shove him hard.
The best part is that the guy that “hit” CM bragged about it via twitter andmagically his Twitter disappeared. His name is supposedly Dario Teyes. But some are saying it wasn't fully him. There was a white guy that slipped in and shoved CM's head before hiding behind sunglasses guy.
Here's the guy that got bitch slapped

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