Thursday, September 06, 2012

Wife Auditions: Fail (for Tom)

Tom Cruise and his real Wife Auditions!
I remember talking about the skit someone did online about Tom Cruise have wife auditions to replace Katie Holmes. It is funny, but it turns out it might just be true.
From Examiner, ((When Cruise's marriage to actress Nicole Kidman dissolved, Scientology patriarch David Micaviage and wife Shelly allegedly spearheaded an intense auditioning process for Cruise's next wife in 2004.  ))
Now, why would an organization set up auditions for a good-looking guy that could get all kinds of women? Makes you wonder. While I won't say Cruise is gay, mainly because he goes viciously after any print company that says he is, but this alleged auditioning for girlfriends doesn't help his case.
From US Magazine, ((According to Orth's sources, the organization began by seeking out actresses who were already Scientology members. The women were called in, told they were auditioning for a new movie, and then asked a series of questions including: "What do you think of Tom Cruise?"

So, the Church of Space looked in their membership for suitable wives. That's a little creepy. So, the lovely Nazanin Boniadi was the chosen one. They even moved into together, but things started to turn sour and Boniadi was out and Non-member Katie was in. Of course the people of Xenu have denied the entire incident.
Another former member seems to confirm the news about Nazanin and Tom. The former member is Paul Haggis. From National Post, ((Naz was embarrassed by her unwitting involvement in this incident and never wanted it to come out, so I kept silent,” Haggis wrote in the email published Sunday. “I was deeply disturbed by how the highest ranking members of a church could so easily justify using one of their members; how they so callously punished her and then so effectively silenced her when it was done.” ))
She has to be embarrassed about this. I would be.
My favorite rebuttal is from Cruise's lawyer. From E-Online, ((Additionally, Cruise's attorney, Bert Fields spoke out about the article. "Vanity Fair's story is essentially a rehash of tired old lies previously run in the supermarket tabloids, quoting the same bogus 'sources,'" Fields said in a statement released today. "It's long, boring and false." ))
It's long, boring and false” Kind of like watching Battlefield Earth. Right, Fields? And, I am still waiting for my refund for renting that piece of crap movie from Blockbusters, Space Church.
Bad Guy:  "We won't give your money back.  In fact, we want your gold.  Gold, gold, gold!" 
Again, so I won't get sued. None of this has been fully confirmed yet, and I am sure neither Naz or Tome will talk about it.
Again, it is very amusing how close the skit got to what is being reported
Here's the skit...

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