Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sega Master System memories

Sega Master System memories
Man, this video brings back memories, fond memories. 
My brother and I would play the hell out of the Sega Master System.  And, we got this system way before NES.  I also remember the “hidden” snail-maze game embedded into the system. 
Catchy tune, right?
The reviewer brought up the card-slot games that I had totally forgot about.  Sega had these thin cards that you slipped into the front of the system that had simpler games that were more throwbacks to the old games.  But they were fun.  Sega called them Sega Cards. From the Sega Wiki, ((Overall, Sega published only a dozen games in the format (in 1986–1987) before moving to using solely game cartridges. The revised model of the Sega Master System, Sega Master System II had no Sega Card support.[2] reflecting Sega's move away from the format. ))
What is interesting about this that Sega would use a super-version of this format with the VMU cards in a manner of speaking. I loved the VMUs.

Then, there was the Hang On game. 
I also thought the North America version of the system was sleeker than the Japanese version that is below. 

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