Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Random Things

Random Things
~That is a massive catfish. I have never seen a fish this big before. Holy crap. What do you do for bait? A small child?

~Miley Cyrus: Does this woman even sing anymore? I've read more stories about her getting engaged, having a stalker and being accused of fighting. Does she do anything else anymore than walk around showing her ass in public. We get, Miley. You don't want to be know for those kiddy shows anymore. But, how about doing something worthwhile then? What is up with that stupid haircut too? Are you just itching for negative press?
~Jessica Simpson, STFU and do something: I am sick of hearing about Simpson and her baby and her baby fat. Why is getting fat and then getting skinny her current career? She tried her hand at pop music and that failed. She tried being a reality star and that failed. She tried being a movie star and that blew up in her face with some really bad movies. She tried country music and was booed. Yet, every story is about her losing or gaining weight and not about her “art form”. I guess “getting back to your roots” with country music didn't help your career too much. She has no talent.
~The Online Gamer: I love this series and it proves that many of these gamers from FPS are assholes and dicks. There were gamers from online RPGs that have a different attitude than the FPS guys. I love the latest video because the guy goes to a video game store while it gets robbed.  

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