Saturday, September 01, 2012

Howard the Duck revisited...

Howard the Duck revisited...
Okay, Battlefield Earth is worst.  
I loved this review from SF Debris and I got some major traction from my very old post about the movie from years ago thanks to Reddit. I have no idea why, but someone posted it on Reddit.
The movie is a big mess and proved that George Lucas had lost his mind.  I can't see anyone looking back at this movie fondly.  And, the studio was fully aware the movie was pure trash.  I love this bit from the Wiki Page, ((When the film was screened for Universal, Katz said that the studio's executives left without commenting on the film.[14] Screenings for test audiences were met with mixed response.[14] Rumors suggested that Universal production heads Frank Price and Sidney Sheinberg engaged in a fistfight after arguing over who was to blame for greenlighting the film. Both executives denied the rumors.[1][7] News reports speculated that one or both would be fired by MCA chairman Lew Wasserman.))
Can you imagine two production heads fighting over this shit?  
It is interesting that not even Lucas comments on the movie that much.  But, he hasn't disowned it like the Star Wars Holiday Special. 
There are three saving graces in the movie.

1. Lea Thompson in her underwear: Nothing is more pleasing than seeing her prance around in her undies. And, Lea is probably at her cutest level ever.
2 John Barry's score is amazing: Yes, this score is way better than the movie they tracked it over.  It is a real shame because it is a good score.  
3 Jeffrey Jones: Yes, he is a creepy Sandusky type, but he's freaking great as the Dark Overlord.
-Tim Robbins is terrible as “Blumburtt”:  Is he related to Paul Blart?  Robbins is the worst thing about the movie.  He’s clearly a precursor to Jar-Jar.  Plus, there is that creepy line where he meets up with the female band members in their locker room.   "I came to watch you undress though."  That's not the best way to seal the deal, bro.  
-Duck Boobs?  How did they get away with that creatively?  Sure you can get away with nudity in PG-13 movies, but this is supposed to be a kid’s movie. 
-Everyone is stupid in the movie.  There is not a single smart person in the movie.  Think about it.  Why would you write all your characters this way? 
-The Dark Overlord actually kills a cop.  You will notice at the roadblock the cop actually dies because his body fades away. 
-The Dark Overlord has a strange penis mouth thingy that recharges his power cells.  He inserts it into a cigarette lighter.  Where did this come from?  What are you trying to tell us George and the aliens all have these mouths that look like the a certain part of the female lower region.     
-Why was Howard going to bite that black woman’s ass?  Was he into ass munching? 
-Are the Duck People at war with the Goose People?  
 Tim Robbins expression is priceless.  Did they see the early screening of the movie? 
 I have to wonder if his favorite "reality show" is Ducktales? 
 Howard:  “Who wrote this script?  Tell me, now!”
 Uh, can I now blame Mr. Lucas for the Furry movement?  So we have bronnies, what do we call these fans?  Duckies?  
Damn you, Lea.  Why do you have to be so damn cute?  

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