Monday, September 24, 2012

Green Day, you have one minute.

Green Day: I agree with you...
You know I agree with him. I would have liked to have seen the chaos off stage after this. From, (("I've been around since fucking 198-fucking-8. And you're gonna give me one fucking minute? You've gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me. What the fuck! I'm not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers." He then proceeded to smash his guitar. ))
I don't know much about Green Day, but I am glad someone threw Bieber under the bus. Things have certainly changed over the years. Back in 90s, a Bieber act would have been laughed off stage. You don't see too many good meltdowns like this anymore.
Of course, Billie Joe Armstrong is going into rehab after this meltdown. From USA Today, ((His rep tells USA TODAY's Edna Gundersen that the Green Day rocker is "seeking treatment for substance abuse." ))
Maybe, the eyeliner is getting to him or maybe his frosted tips. 
I agree with his rant, and then they're saying he will appear on the show “The Voice”. Oh, well.
And, you don't want to piss off Clear Channel, GD.  

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