Monday, September 17, 2012

Brand New Apple product...nothing

Brand New Apple product...nothing
Apple brings you...nothing. I only wished the real Apple would pull this type of stunt. I generally hate that they announce another version of the iPad and iPhone every few months so the Apple Zombies are forced to buy another one. There is the type of hipster vibe to they're buying habits and you can't fault Apple for digging into that stupid trend. Could you imagine if game consoles followed the Apple iPhone business model? The only thing that's closest to this are sports games that come out every year.
I admire Steve Jobs for changing his company into a winning team after they fired him from his own company years ago. However, he started becoming a bad version of Microsoft. Check this video out to get the bigger picture.
I've always hated the old iMac models because they reminded of the stupid Scion designs from the 2000s.  Boxy and ugly...

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