Thursday, September 13, 2012

Alison Pill and her topless tweet...

Alison Pill and her topless tweet...
“We are sex bob-omb! One, two, three, four!”
You have to love when someone “accidentally” tweets naked pictures of themselves. Didn't that congressman do the same damn thing. I'd much rather see a cute girl do it than someone old dude's dong, which seems to be the trend.  While I truly loathe Twitter, I will give it credit for creating new forms of drama.  
I kind of like Alison Pill because she has that nerdy girl look that makes you think you have a chance dating her.  I liked her in Scott Pilgrim and thought she was cute in the role.  
Part of me wants to buy it that she sent the photo out there by mistake, but there have been too many accidents like this to call it an accident.  
However, it makes her cute that she owned up to the accident. From her twitter page, ((Yep. That picture happened. Ugh. My tech issues have now reached new heights, apparently. How a deletion turned into a tweet... Apologies. ))
You showed your boobs. Why are you apologizing for that? Remember Rule 34 and 35, this is the Internet. Showing your boobs is rather tame. Plus, it is more of a scandal if an ugly a-hole like me went topless and tweeted it.
And, I find it amusing this is probably the most we've talked about Alison Pill ever...
Side Note: I love The Newsroom, despite its preachy nature sometimes, but I am not a fan of her character though. I just hope they make her a stronger character next season.

  I don't think she really has those stars on her nipples in real life.  Maybe, I am wrong.

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