Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tony Scott RIP

Tony Scott RIP
I was shocked when I got the news of director Tony Scott committing suicide.  And, I was even more shocked in the manner he committed suicide (by jumping off a bridge).  Tony Scott is the younger brother director Ridley Scott.  After his death, I’ve realized how many of his movies I have enjoyed over the years.
Beverly Hills Cop II: Scott Made this movie a little bit too serious with more action elements. Where as the first movie was a comedy with action elements, this sequel was an action movie with comedic elements.  It isn't as good as the first one, but certainly light years ahead the third one.  
 The Last Boy Scout :  I didn’t like the movie when it came out, but I’ve grown to like the it.  Bruce Willis is playing the same character as the one from the Die Hard series.  There are some stupid moments, like the football shooting thing, but it still works an action movie.  
Crimson Tide :  I love this action movie.  Washington is great and the script is very sharp.  Scott’s direction is spot on.
Enemy of the State :  I watched this one recently on cable and really enjoyed it.  Will Smith is very good in the leading role.  Take note that a young Jack Black is in this movie too. 
Spy Game :  Again, I watched this one recently on cable.  While it hasn’t aged as well as his older movies, it is still a fun action movie with Brad Pitt. 
Man on Fire This was beginning of Scott’s strange editing and disjointed style, but he doesn’t do it that much here, but he over does it in Domino. 
Deja Vu: I love this action time travel movie. This is truly a fun movie.
Unstoppable: I loved this movie too, and it was his last movie.
After doing those action movies from the 80s, he ended up doing a lot of movies with Denzel Washington. He did five movies with Washington.
I'm not sure why he would commit suicide and leave his family (his kids). But, may he rest in peace. He made some good movies.  

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