Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Random Things

Random Things
~Final Fantasy XIV: I am really considering getting into the MMO game FFXVI. This is because the game is about to get a major reboot under the name A Realm Reborn. The whole world will be completely changed with cities and areas changing after the reboot. I still need to get PS3 to play it.
The red moon in the picture below is supposedly going to crash into the world before the reboot. It is a nice touch that the moon changed colors and size early on and no one noticed at first. And, the moon keeps getting bigger and bigger with each update.

~Sylvester Stallone is having a bad year. He lost his son earlier in the year and now his half sister. This has been a terrible year for Sly. You will remember Sly's son was in the bad Rocky V.
~Neil Armstrong RIP: Yes, this guy made history. He was a Korean War Veteran before going into space. Most people probably didn't know that he on the Gemini 8 mission in space before the Apollo mission. I can only dream of going into space this guy did it a few times. Armstrong admitted that he screwed up the speech That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind ” He dropped the “a” part out of man. Did you know that had to sit in a quarantine chamber for 18 days?
~Pussy Riot: If you remember, a Russian punk band ended up getting arrested and charged by the Russian government. Two of them ended up fleeing the the country.  I hope they get away.  
~George Takei is a smart man: I was checking out his interview on YouTube and he's great at speaking his mind. Takei has had a lot of things happen to him over the years. I remember him trying to get a Captain Sulu TV show off the ground. He might be too old to get the show on the air today, but that would have been cool.

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