Saturday, August 11, 2012

Random Stuff

Random Stuff
~I nearly got sick after drinking some out of date tea and I almost threw up in my car. Luckily, it didn't happen, but it was bad times.
~I will get on my other two The Dark Knight Rises reviews in due time. I am a busy man. (Don't just stand there. God is a busy.)
~I can't get my DVD players to recognize DVDs anymore. I know it is driver issue, but I've tried everything but paying for the damn programs. I guess I can get a new one for the TV, but my good speakers are linked to my computer.
~Marvel's Movie Rights: You have to love the fact that Marvel still doesn't own the rights to some of its key characters such as Spiderman. Sony owns Spiderman and will continue to own as long as they're developing movies. Spiderman is one of the members of the Avengers in the comic books with Wolverine. Both of them can't be used because they're owned by two different studios. Daredevil is might just revert back to Marvel and Disney could very well include him into the movies. But there might be some backdoor dealing going on with the studios.
~Kim Dotcom has a new song? Uh, you're in legal trouble with the US and this is the song you want to release. Okay, but it is so odd. Plus, I hate the autotune crap. I don't think you're a singer Kim Dotcom.
~Lolo Jones: I don't care what you all are saying about her. I think she is very attractive. There is a lot of hate being throw her way by her teammates, bloggers and the news people, but I think she is damn pretty. Hey, I am into light-skinned girls.

~Randy Travis: What are you doing? Why were you naked driving around drunk? Did I mention that he switched to gospel music in his later years of his career? Does being naked and drunk fit into that lifestyle?

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