Saturday, August 18, 2012

PSY: Gangnam Style

 PSY Gangnam Style
“Open Gundam Star” as it sounds like to me. 
This is probably the best video/music ever!  Take “I’m Sexy and I know it” and a K-Pop song and throw it in a blender.  This song is so strange and the video is so funny, that I’ve laughed every time I see it.  What in the hell was that?  
The PSY guy has some of the best moves ever.  He’s kind of a cross between Dr. Evil and Jack Black.  His real name is Park Jae-sang and he is surprised with the international attention he's receiving for the song. 
-Nice colorful glasses, PSY.
-Is the little kid a reference to that little person India video? 
-What exactly is that white stuff blowing in their faces? 
-Take notice of the girls “playing” tennis. 
-Any video that has a K-Pop singer dancing on a bus full of old women is all right in my book. 
-Nice zoom in on a woman’s ass there.  And, his reaction is priceless.  
-Take note of the extras dresses as different people in the last few moments of the video.  (Maid, Karate Kid guy, Chef)
-And, yes PSY’s fly is open during the crowd scene at the end.  I shouldn’t be checking out a man’s crotch when there is a cute Korean woman on screen, but it is there. 

Did the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man explode again?  

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