Friday, August 24, 2012

Laid Back: White Horse

Laid Back: White Horse
Wasn't this song featured on one of the GTA games?
I remember listening to this song way back in the 80s. Most people have totally forgotten about this strange song, but I've heard it before recently. Looking at the wiki, it says this is a synth-pop group called Laid Back. I didn't understand that the song was about cocaine until someone told me.  Imagine my shock as a little kid. 
Here are some of the strange lyrics.
((White horse
Don't ride the white horse
No no no ))
I know the White Horse is cocaine, but what isthe White Pony?
((If you want to ride
Ride the white pony
Ride, ride the white pony
White pony, white pony, white pony))

The problem is White Pony is also used for drug use too. From Urban dictionary, ((Cocaine. Although the term is often used to describe a multitude of other illegal substances, it was originally used as a slang term for the stimulant-drug cocaine (a processed extract of leaves from the Erythroxylum Coca plant). ))
What is funny about doing research on the terms, the entry on White Horse mentions this song in the entry.

The beat has been used in other songs, but it was featured in Monifah's song Touch It.

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