Monday, August 06, 2012

Jenna Jameson supports Mitt Romney.

Jenna Jameson supports Mitt Romney.
This is probably the only endorsement Mr. Romney doesn't want and probably the only endorsement that forces him to go to the clinic.   Great she just gave the Romney campaign a STD.  There's cream for that, Mitt. Does it matter what a former pornstar says in the political field?  Isn't she hurting herself by supporting him?  
Is she melting? 
I'm sure this endorsement will go over well with the far religious right.
From Chicago Tribune, ((The porn star took the stage at a San Francisco strip club last week and announced she was ready for a Romney presidency, CBS reported.
"I'm very looking forward to a Republican being back in office," Jameson said as she sipped champagne. "When you're rich, you want a Republican in office." ))
We are at an all time low when an adult performer is “teaching” us of the highs and lows of politics. Why does this seem more like a need for attention than making a political statement? Does anyone serious in the GOP give a steaming shit? That's like me throwing my support toward that plant near the computer. It doesn't matter.
Side note, I liked Jenna back when she was a little more curvaceous in the 90s than the skinny fake botox lady of today. She was very cute back in Private Parts.

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