Monday, August 13, 2012

Cheerios protest + Fire=Fail

Cheerios protest + Fire=Fail
That's an amazing protesting you have there, guy. I like that he's protesting the gay community with a pink shirt on. I sense he's hiding something, because you protest too much.  
I guess Honey Nut Cheerios is very flammable. We're getting a little too extreme with our views now. How does burning Cheerios in front of the parent company even support anti-gay rights?  Why does it remind of book burning?  And, he had to buy the box at a store, which put money in the pocket of the company you're protesting.  
Someone finally discovered the identity of this fool and placed it on the Internet. Mr. Leisner has lost his job at Greater Midwest because of this incident. I personally don't think he should have lost his job because now he can be made into a spokesman for the far right. People will rally around him instead of letting his 15 minutes fade.  

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