Thursday, August 16, 2012

ALF: the movie

ALF:  In a theater near you…
From Hollywood Reporter: ((Sony Pictures Animation has closed a deal to acquire rights to the classic 1980s sitcom ALF and will develop the property into a hybrid CG/live action feature. ))
That's correct they're making a new ALF movie with a CGI model of the hit show ALF.
Did anyone ask for one? I am not sure.
ALF was so popular that it had a sitcom; two cartoon shows and a video game! (And, there was a TV movie years later that tied up loose ends from the show.) But, have you watched the show recently?  It hasn’t aged well.  To put it simply, it is pretty bad.  Heck, not even the actors from the show liked doing ALF.  I mean the show wasn’t that funny looking back at it. 
I actually liked this theme song over the live action one. 
And, Paul Fusco, the voice and puppet guy for ALF, will reprise his role. 
It gets worst. The producer of The Smurfs movie will be producing this one too. Yes, that Smurfs movie. From the Hollywood Reporter, ((Jordan Kerner, who produced SPA’s adaptation of 1980s Saturday morning cartoon staple The Smurfs and helped turn it into a hybrid blockbuster franchise,  ))

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