Thursday, July 12, 2012

Skinny Jeans Rant...again

Skinny Jeans...My Thoughts exactly...

How does one sit with jeans that tight or ride a bike (fixed gear)?
You can't even walk fast!
Nothing pisses me off more than seeing some young hipster with these tight ass pants on and wearing a old Transformers shirt. If you're a dude and wearing skinny jeans, you need to knock it off. We have equipment down there. Please bring the baggy jeans back. Heck I'll take guys sagging more than d-bags wearing tight pants.
There are some amusing remarks by this blogger that I agree with too. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, don't squash your goods trying to be hip or trendy. And, I am starting to really see the fat guys with the huge gut and chin beard donning these things now. No, no, hell no.
Is this what women are into?  Seeing your junk smashed and squashed into un-godly shapes?  

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