Thursday, July 05, 2012

Prometheus (part 2)

Prometheus (part 2)
Besides the great directing, one of the best things about the movie is the casting.  While the cast isn’t as blue-collar as the Alien cast.  There are more characters to deal with in this movie.  The ones that the story decides to focus on are very cool. 
-Noomi Rapace plays the lead character and she goes through some major stuff in this story.  I liked her naïve outlook to her findings and her loss in her faith when she realizes that her findings are more sinister than they were led to believe.  There is a great scene involving a piece of machinery that is both disturbing and interesting to watch.  I couldn’t believe how horrifying it is. 
-Michael Fassbender: Fassbender plays David the android.  David steals the show in every scene that he is in.  David is a very complex character with different motives.  I really loved the way Michael handles the character.  David is a great character that is both a villain a bit of a hero in a manner of speaking.
- Charlize Theron:  Theron is also interesting to watch as the cold corporate CEO that is supposedly there for the bottom line.  Is she an android?  Theron isn’t saying.  I believe she is.  Some say she isn’t.
- Idris Elba:  He plays the seasoned starship captain that has more to him than we are led to believe.  Elba is great as always.  He has a southern accent in this one. 
The score by Marc Streitenfeld is more atmospheric than being a structured score.  It has a few standout moments with a strong main theme.  Harry Gregson-Williams helped create the main theme in the film.  There is clear homage to Jerry Goldsmith’s main Alien theme, and a bit of James Horner’s Aliens theme. 
As I stated before, the music is more in tune with Scott’s original intent with Goldsmith’s music that being more theme heavy. 
Overall, I really enjoyed Prometheus immensely.  It didn’t disappoint at all.  While it is more of a standalone story sprouting a series of movies for a new franchise, the Alien franchise begins from this series indirectly.  And, that is very fun to watch.  “Hey the Alien series can go on while we deal with the threads from Prometheus.”
We learn whom that alien belongs to in the Alien movie, but it doesn’t completely tie directly to that first movie.  I enjoyed the fact the movie doesn’t answer every question and adds more questions to the story by the end.  It is certainly good to see Scott working on sci-fi again.  It has its flaws, but damn I love this movie. 
Grade: A-

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