Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mindy Meyer Running for office: Okay...

Mindy Meyer Running for office: We all lose
Yes, I went to her site and I want to stab my ears out because of the bad remix of “I'm Sexy and I know it”. Her site literally looks like a throwback to the those annoying MySpace pages from back in early 2000s. I guess someone had too much money and supports her campaign.
Is this for real?
From her horrible pink website, ((A lifelong Flatbush resident, Mindy is the first young woman in the history of New York to run for New York State Senate. The Orthodox Jewish woman, aged 22, is the candidate for both the Republican and Conservative party lines. Mindy intends to utilize her religious values and moral compass as her guide. "I can tell you one thing, I have no experience in corruption," said Meyer. "This is how politics has to change. There is always corruption, but I have the intention to follow my values and ensure that none of what happens in my district is corrupt." ))
I guess she might be serious, but why the MySpace-like site and annoying techno music?  Is this an after-school project for her?  

Someday, she will be president...I hope not.  
And, you have to love the bad Photoshop...
 Hey, she has my vote in the "I don't give a crap" runoff.  
Watch her video below.

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