Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kristen Stewart cheated and we eat it

Well, I kind of understand...Not that I really care, but...
After looking at this picture, is there any wonder why Kristen Stewart cheated on Rob? It looks like a cross between a hobbit and cave troll you put on your dashboard.  I mean could imagine waking up beside that monster?  (Keep in mind this is coming from an ugly person who writes blogs about people that are richer than I.)
I personally don't find her that attractive. I see her being that plain girl at the coffee shop that takes your order and is pissed she is taking orders. She's that girl that is a cross of a hipster/grunge/goth.  Now, I am not saying I'd pass it up if she offered, but let's call it like it is.  I'd take  Sookie Stackhouse over her any day.
Hey, this is good press for that new Twilight movie. On second thought, I am almost wondering if this whole thing is just a set up anyway. Hmm...
Anyway, I am going to love watching the awkward press junkets.  
This scene of her crying outside on the street is brought you by Adidas.  Damn it... 
She happens to be outside crying in a fresh Adidas shirt, right. 

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