Monday, July 23, 2012

Early thoughts for The Dark Knight Rises

Early thoughts for The Dark Knight Rises
First off, I really loved the movie. I am now siding with this being better than the second movie. I'll have a proper view soon. I am just a little busy now.
-Theater Exit: I keep looking away from the screen down to the theater exit hoping no stupid knucklehead came in. I hate the fact I am worrying about some copycat trying to ruin this for me. In the words of SF, F' you, James Holmes.
-I was impressed with the way they handled Bane. We can finally forget this image of Bane from Batman and Robin.

-I am now torn who is more hotter in leather pants Anne Hathaway or Scarlett Johansson because they are both amazing women.  Hathaway handle herself really well as Catwoman.  She is much better than the Batman Returns one.  

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