Tuesday, July 24, 2012

DJ Paris Hilton: You Lose.

DJ Paris Hilton: This is probably the worst DJ-ing I've ever heard...
Brazil, please tell me no one paid to go see her practice her DJ Skillz?
And, she decided to sing with her track. This shit is really bad folks.
It sickens me to see her fall into yet another profession she has no interest in fully learning. She was a terrible pornstar. Her acting career was short-lived, and her singing career was bad. I guess she thought she'd become a DJ after having sex with a real DJ.
The best part is even her former DJ boy disses her. From Guardian, ((Luckily, her collaborator DJ Afrojack was on hand to offer his unreserved backing for her latest career choice: "I saw and I was like … ugh," he enthused. "I think it's really important that if you go in front of a crowd and DJ, you actually take the time and practise becoming a DJ. You can't just … wave a flag. Also, it was pre-recorded. I'm not supposed to say that, my management's going to fucking kill me, but it's true." ))
I also love that she actually has a person come on stage to turn down a knob.
Is that JJ Abrams on the ones and twos?  Really, it looks like JJ.  Is Paris really the Smoke Monster?  

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