Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chick-fil-A: Eat more poop...

F' you, again. 
After seeing this picture of Sarah Palin and her hubby embracing Chick-fil-A bags as if to make a statement, I am now not going to eat there anymore. I hate boycotting stuff and acting like I am self rightous by not buying a bag of chicken, but the fact certain people are going out of their way to buy the damn chicken and tweets about it sickens me.
I support gay marriage by not caring if people of the same sex want to hook up. I don't care. It doesn't bother me if people want to marry gay or straight. I find the concept of marriage period to be flawed.  Just let them have that right, because I am certainly not going to get married. Part of me really regrets not being able to eat their really good chicken, but I just can't stand pictures like this. (Plus, they really have cute counter girls taking your order.)
So, long Chick, and thanks for all the Chicken.
Hello, KFC!

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