Thursday, June 07, 2012

Random Stuff

Random Stuff
~Looking forward to Prometheus, just not sure if it is the movie I wanted. However, right now on RT the movie at 73%, which is a good thing. Ridley Scott crafted a good space movie in the form of Alien and I am hoping he does the same here. Yes, we know its a prequel. I've been listening to the Soundtrack recently too. Now, will I see it tomorrow or Saturday? Probably early Saturday. This was the movie I wanted to answer certain questions left from Alien.
Dish people will miss out on Joan, and that's a very bad thing.  
~Dish Network, aren't you being a little childish here with AMC? I swear some of these network Dish disputes are just plain petty. Because of the negations getting heated between Dish and AMC, Dish decided to bury AMC to the depths of channel hell to channel 9609. Talk about giving them the shaft. If AMC loses Dish, they will lost millions in this dispute. And, Dish will lose a highly rated network too. But, moving AMC to 9609 just seems childish to me. It's like when the chubby kid takes his ball with him because he didn't get to score (in more ways than one).

~Drew Barrymore married again: Maybe three times is the charm. I am not sure why she married Freddy Got Fingered director/writer/actor. Maybe the Chad was really great. Do you remember her being in Batman Forever as the henchmen (girl) Sugar? She looked very good in that movie, but her character was one of the weaker aspects of that movie. Too campy and too Batman 60s for my taste.  

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