Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bo Knows (Bo Jackson ads...)

Bo Jackson ads...

Do you remember these ads? They were a part of those “Bo Knows” ads from back in the day. Bo Jackson was known for playing in professional baseball and football. So, there was something to market there. Bo promoted the cross-training shoes for the Nike company.
Nike saw him as a media titan just like Jordan, but it didn't turn out that way. After his hip injury, he was never the same. He did show up in a Pepsi ad, injured.  
I guess I was not the only one to remember Bo Jackson.
And, yes that was Sonny Bono in there as a cameo. Pretty funny.
Bo Diddley
This one is my favorite one because of Bo Diddley (not Boo Diddly) appearance. I remember seeing this long version of the ad way back in the day with Bo getting better with the music. And, what's with the square guitars?
I also like that they threw in Bo doesn't know hockey.
Does Bo know Blogging?  
They should really bring these ads back, in the same way they did with the Mars Blackmon ads for Nike. 

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