Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Octomom doing Porn?

Octomom doing Porn? 
Have you stooped to a new low, Octomom?  She thought just having a bunch of kids would make her rich.  However, it hasn’t turned out the way she dreamed it would.
From ABC News, ((With Suleman on the verge of losing her home and declaring bankruptcy this week with total debts as high as $1 million to everyone from her parents to her baby sitters to the water company, the Octomom Odyssey seems headed for darker days. ))
There are three reasons she shouldn’t do a porn movie. 
1. She is very ugly.  I am sorry, but she’s had too much surgery.  And, she is slowly turning into a fish face with those plumped up lips.  Nobody wants to see that. There is too much surgery there. 
2.  Has she seen what happened to Montana Fishburne?  She did it for the same reasons and look at her now.  If you do a Google search on her now, you would find any current news on her.  You’ll just be a bigger joke than before. 
 3.  You are a mother of a whole tribe of kids.  It might be time to go and get a real job like working at Walmart or something.  Is this the legacy you want to leave behind?  
This will only end wrong for her.  Then again, having a herd of children already ended wrong for her.  


  1. While I don't believe in limiting the freedoms of someone's ability to choose what to do & not to do in life (including having or not having children), she almost makes me want to.

  2. I'd hate to see how all these kids will turn out when they start getting to their teens. She refuses to even consider getting a real job.
