Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Jordan Ramos: Too Fat to dance?

Jordan Ramos: Too Fat to dance?
Well, that was a little rude. From Huffington Post, ((Jordan Ramos, 21, describes herself as a plus-sized woman, but she never imagined her weight would become an issue at Union Bar, a downtown Iowa City establishment, where bouncers would deny her the option of dancing with her friends atop a small stage -- twice. ))
Yeah, they could have handled this differently. Personally, I would have let her go up there and dance. It won't hurt anything. Ramos just wanted to have some fun dancing with her friends. Sure, she isn't the model of hot-ness, but let her hang out with her friends. Nothing ruins a day when someone points out you're different, believe me I know that well.
Should there be laws against this sort of thing? Nope, but we should all follow the law of “don't be a dick”.


  1. By not letting her get up there to dance, they're setting a very bad example, not to mention the bad publicity this has caused. She might be plus sized, however this is now becoming more of the norm in today's society.

  2. Her friends were up there and they should have said, "go up there".

    It was made worst when the bouncer asked her if she was preggers. It really doesn't matter if there is a plus size woman up there or not, but it is all supposed to be in good fun. And the bar is missing the point.

  3. Honestly, it's a private business. It sucks that they were mean, but she is at an age that she should know that people are mean. She is going to have other situations in life where people aren't nice...is she going to protest everything?

    I've been to this bar and I have seen that they really are trying to be safe. If there are too many people up on the platforms or if somebody is out of hand at all they take care of it.The platforms weren't the best, but now they have to take them down.

    The reason that the workers might not be the nicest when saying things is that they do put up with a lot of crap from many of the patrons.

    They should have phrased things differently and yes possibly let her dance, but it is their business.

  4. I agree they should have said things differently, but calling her preggers is a bit too far even for me and I am a total a-hole.

    and, I don't have a problem with women dancing on the counter.

    Thanks for your insight in the matter
