Friday, May 25, 2012

Dude, what is with the Spam lately?

Dude, what is with the Spam lately?

I've been getting a lot of spam recently. I've probably deleted about 20 comment spam posts in the past three weeks. I haven't seen this much spam on my blog since the early days of 2005 and 2007.
Some of them will post a generic comment and leave a (…) with a link to a spam post. Other spam posts will be related to a post by putting a spam link to the subject like MIB sunglasses or Ice Cream. The spammers also leave tiny links in a period so you won't find it.
Given the age of Twitter, you would think comment spam for blogs would be old school. 2005 was the height of this comment spam, it just seems silly now.
For anyone else having problems with spamming here are some old school tips. I use the comment page on blogger to catch them.   
Hipsters, forget skinny jeans.  Start wearing spam outfits.  


  1. I've seen an uptick in spammer comments too!

  2. Sometimes, there are Spam Bombs were they will post upwards of 100 spam comments in your blog. That is always a problem deleted them all.
