Monday, May 07, 2012

The Career of Eddie Murpy: from good to bad: The End

Eddie:  "This is the script to A Thousand Words.  Should I take the role?"
 Imagine That:  I haven’t seen this movie.  But, it reminds me of the Adam Sandler movie that had a similar concept.  It didn’t do that well in the box office, but it was bashed like Meet Dave was critically.  Meet Dave probably hurt this movie because of how closely this one was released to that one. 

Shrek Forever After:  I already reviewed this movie.  I found it to be way better than the third movie, but not even close to the first two movies.  Donkey is pretty funny in this one, because Eddie plays Donkey in the same manner as he did in the first movie.  Remember, most of the movie takes place in an alt-reality.  The Shrek movies do better than most of Eddie’s current movies Box Office-wise. 

Tower Heist:  I still have gotten around to seeing this movie yet.  After Rush Hour 3, I can’t say I am looking forward to it.  But, I heard Eddie is very.  However, why was he nearly paid 8 million for his work here?  Is he really that big of a star to get paid that much today?  Did you know the concept of this movie actually came from Eddie?  In 2005, it was supposed to be comprised of many of the popular black comedians teaming together to rob Trump.  I am not making this up.  The movie got better ratings than say his other movies in his latter career, but the movie didn’t light up the BO either.  It did okay, and helped Eddie’s career a bit.  Ratner didn’t help matters when he made that comment though…
Eddie Murphy's Agent:  "Hey, Eddie, I got this new movie called Team Up.  It stars you and Nic Cage as seasoned police detectives.  Except, your partner, Cage, is a ghost.  What ya think, baby?"  
A Thousand Words:  Well, we know how this movie turned out.  It received a 0 rating on RT.  The movie received only 20 million worldwide.  Yes, that means it will never make its 40 million budget back. 
Hong Kong Phooey:  This is supposed to be an upcoming movie with Eddie in the lead role.  I am not sure what to make of it.  Does anyone want to see an updated version of this cartoon show that most people have forgotten? 

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