Thursday, May 17, 2012

Booty Pop: Fake butt pads...

Booty Pop: Fake butt pads...
People of the world, are we so self-obsessed that we need products like this to make us feel better? I can't say it is just women that are into products like this one. Remember all those hair club for men ads? Being a red-blooded guy, I'd be more than a little pissed if I discovered that She was not only wearing a padded bra, but also a padded ass too.  That's like taking home a Happy Meal and discovering that there was no toy in the box.  
I remember when having a round ass and full lips were considered bad. Now, everyone wants a rounder ass, bigger breasts, darker complexion and fuller lips. You see where I am going with this right? These were things I was into before it got popular.

I have no idea why this cute dog was in the search results for the term "Booty Pop".  But, he's cute, so here ya go. 

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