Monday, April 30, 2012

Scream 4 (Part 2 of 2)

Scream 4
The biggest thing S4 does right is the manner it self references many scenes nearly repeating themselves from the first movie.  These scenes are callbacks to the first movie, but they are certainly new and fresh.  This supports the notion that S4 is a more of a remake than a sequel.  Everything is viewed their the lenses of a filmmaker commenting on the new age of horror movie…flashier remakes.
Director Wes Craven does a better job here with the frights, even when we see them coming than in the third movie.  Actually, everything all around is better here than in the messy third movie.  And, that’s the point it seems to be back to basics with a rather simple plot, on the surface.  He goes for a gorier approach with the deaths.  There is certainly more blood in this one than the first movie, given into the fact that movies are gorier today than back in the 90s. 
And, the interesting “twist” is an updated version of the twist from the first movie.  It is right down to the kitchen scene from the first scene, except it is a little different and more violent. 
Oh, and Anthony Anderson has the best quote ever…((Deputy Perkins: Fuck Bruce Willis)).  You have to see the movie to understand the context of the quote.
Overall, Scream 4 isn’t the best movie, but it is a very good movie.  And, it is a direct callback to the first movie, by recreating certain scenes while being its own movie.  I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. 
Grade: B
 I actually found this scene rather amusing.  Two Blonds are always doomed in the horror films?
 Brother Home Alone gets the Cheerleader.  

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