Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rosie O’Donnell is right about Lindsay Lohan

 Rosie O’Donnell is right about Lindsay Lohan
From OMG Yahoo, ((While appearing on the Today show on Tuesday, O'Donnell insisted she didn't believe Lohan was right for the part. "No, because she's had a lot of trouble doing every single movie, including [Saturday Night Live]," she said. "She was out and not at rehearsal and I think she's not in a place to work... I feel very sorry for her. I think she needs a lot of help. She needs a lot of time away."))
I can’t believe it, but I actually agree with Rosie O’Donnell for once.  I guess the world will end in 2012.  Instead of being a bull headed person forcing her silly opinions on people, Rosie has a point.  Lindsay needs some time away from the parties and the spotlight and work on herself through real rehab. 
Of course, Lohan’s screwed up father had to put his two cents in.  From New York Post, (("My daughter and even I may have had our issues in life, but it’s about making things right and turning things around ... Rosie, you are wrong. So why don’t you just sit back, shut up and see if Lindsay proves herself before blabbing your unwarranted opinions."))
Uh, you and your ex-wife are partly the reason your daughter is so screwed up.  How about you take your own advice?  Shut up, and sit back. 
I can’t believe I am defending Rosie…oy.


  1. Yeah, but I am still thinking back to when Rosie had her first talk show and out of nowhere she started ripping on Daryl Hannah as an actress, basically saying she should never speak in movies because she is pleasant to look at but she just couldn't act.

    Now, look at the movies DH has been in versus the movies that Rosie's been in. I wonder whose credits look better.

    Basically I take everything that Rosie O'Donnell has to say about the talents of her peers with a huge pillar of salt.

  2. I never understood why she attacked certain people like DH for no good reason, but let people like Justin Bieber go without commenting on them. DH is a good actress and Rosie is well...Rosie. She is bad and makes movies worst (Another Stakeout?)

    The Flintstones, and that Bus movie ( and Exit to Eden ) still make me cringe. BTW, just check her IMBD, she was in something called Austin Powers' Electric Pussycat Swingers Club WFT?
