Thursday, April 12, 2012

Random Things

Random Things
~Why is Jenny McCarthy trending at number one on Yahoo? Is it 1998 again?  Why is she still famous anyway?  Didn’t anyone see Dirty Love I don't find her attractive or funny, yet people call her a comedian.
~Bill O'Reilly likes women. Topless women. While it isn't a new news story, I find it funny that O'Rielly.  In reality, I would like to know the story behind the topless woman hanging out with some dudes.  It seems a former FOX New emplyee is leaking stuff about Fox left and right.
~Here is a Quintet version of Chrono Cross's Radical Dreamers track. It is an amazing song that always sounds calming during the end credits of the game.

~Heather Morris Naked Photos: As you are aware, I really find the girl from Glee to be extremely attractive and I think she is the best thing about that show at the moment. There are here, but it is not safe for work in the least. Unlike the other recent leaks, it looks like her MobileMe account was made public and she left these interesting photos on it by accident. Look, if I left some nudes of me on the service, it is tragic because I am disgusting. However, when it is an attractive lady, we all win.

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