Monday, April 16, 2012

Random Stuff

Random Stuff
~Disney and a Chinese company make a deal to co-fund Iron Man 3:  Hmm, I don’t fully agree with this deal because that means the Chinese government can make notes on certain things they don’t like.  That means certain things will have to be changed for the script approval by the second company.  However, I am looking forward to the third movie as long as the writer from the second movie isn’t involved.  
 Every Rose has its turd.
~Hey, Axl Rose, can you tell your life long feud with the original members of Guns and Roses go?  Axl refused to be honored by Rock Hall of Fame because he’s still bitter about the break up with his original members.  Mr. Rose just comes across as a big baby more than anything else and someone really needs to call him out on his shit.  Plus, that his “new” G&R group is total shit as well.  Let it go, Axl and give it up. 
~I really need to get some sleep and some time off.  
 ~Kim Kardashian:  Okay, I am really getting sick of reading about her and watching her on stuff.  There is an overload of Kardashian stuff going on.  Never has anyone had more press than this woman that hasn’t done anything but get married and divorced.  She got flour thrown on her by some animal lover and us starting to date Kanye West.  Big f’ing deal.  Did I mention there are leaked photos of Mr. West banging her?  In another lifetime, I would have cared about this sort of thing.  When is the negative blowback going to happen?  It happened to Paris Hilton, and now she can’t even keep a reality show on the air.  I think she is a pretty woman, but I couldn't date her.  Very high maintenance.
~ Shawn Michaels vs. Sean Michaels:  I’m just saying…who would win in a fight?  I also think Shawn tried to sue Sean for the use of the name.  However, they are in two completely different industries.  One is black and the other is white.  I don’t think people are going to get them confused with each other.  When you add Sean Michaels to the mix, the Screwjob has a different meaning. 

 Not the same...

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