Sunday, April 01, 2012

Mike Stone, the nerd hero?

Pornstar as a date to Prom
From The Blaze, ((Mike Stone, 18, took to Twitter to send more than 600 messages to prospective dates, including Kim Kardashian and Snooki from “Jersey Shore,” Minneapolis ABC affiliate KSTP-TV reported. His proposal? “i have dinner hotel and ill give u a massage to.” ))
While I would have skipped Snooki, I have to give this guy some credit for actually trying.
When I was in High School, I couldn't get a girl to even look in my direction, let alone to ask one to the prom. I didn't even bother with going to the prom. But, this Mike Stone has the power of Twitter and put out the Chick Signal to snag a date. Given the new technology, I am not sure I would have gotten enough guts to do what he did.
Who was the woman that answered his call to arms? A pornstar named Megan Piper. 
Given my extensive knowledge of porn and pornstars, I didn't know this girl. I looked at her Tumblr (Don't open at work or in a public place because it is full of nudity!). (Want to see her Twitter page?) However, she is a very cute girl. She truly has that “girl next door look” and she wouldn't stand out because she looks to be around his age! Sure, she's doing it to get some press, but it is for a good cause. Helping out geeks...
Well, the school got wind of this proposal and put an end to it.
From the Blaze, ((But in a statement to KSTP, school officials said Piper’s attendance “would be prohibited under Tartan’s standard prom procedures and would be inconsistent with two school district policies.” ))
Something tells me some concerned mothers didn't want this to happen. Way to C-block, KSTP. I mean the guy already has a Pornstar name (Mike Stone), and it is not like she's going to be naked on the dance floor. This will probably be the peak of his life, sadly. Let him have his prom fun.
Funniest part of the story? From Huffington Post, ((But Piper also said she was looking forward to meeting Stone's parents, receiving a corsage, posing for pictures with his friends and doing "all the normal things kids would be doing for prom." ))
He-he. I am sure his parents would ask, “So, kind of field of work are you in?”
Piper: “I'm an actress.”
Dad: “Have I seen your work?”
Piper: “Hmm, Probably.”

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