Sunday, April 01, 2012

Lisa Alyounes: Domestic Abuse at its worst? (Or a funny thing happened on the subway)

Lisa Alyounes: Domestic Abuse at its worst?
Isn't love grand?
Yes, that was downright disgusting. It looks like she shoved him onto the tracks before this video started. Isn't that attempted murder? This is what happened after the shoving incident.
Now, her boyfriend shows great restraint. I would have called the cops after the track incident. I will give him credit for not hitting her, but he should have left after she slapped him in the face. The video shows Lisa Alyounes get worst and worst as the time passes.
When a woman loses her mind like this, you don't hit her, you simply leave.
-She first slaps him repeatedly. Note the guy sitting across gets up and moves.
-She then tries to throw him to the floor.
-She climbs on top of him.
-Why does he let her spit in his face countless times. And kicks him in the face.
-I also love the commentary by the two black women. And, they get mad when a guy gets in the shots. I love the added shouts of “YouTube”.
-She could have gotten away if she left.
-This girl is stupid, but she is a scrapper.
-I also like that the people filming it know it is going viral.
By the way, it might be time to break up with Lisa. I'm sure the sex is good, but is it worth the trips to the ER room or bailing her out of jail?  
Nina Williams? Fight!
I'm just saying she does look like her...

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