Thursday, March 08, 2012

A Hulk Hogan sex tape, brother?

Old men having sex...

A Hulk Hogan sex tape, brother?
Why do all of famous people think they need to record every sexual act? Over the years I've really started hating Hulk Hogan thanks to all the behind the scenes stories and the reality show making him seem like a total ass. (Make sure to read about his diva like behavior in WCW and keeping the new talent down.)
Hogan was a guy with talent, but now he's just turning into one of these reality stars. Anyway, someone is shopping around the tape for a price. Does any porn company want to sell that?
Naturally, The Ultimate Warrior had to throw his two cents in. (He won't let his hatred for Hogan go.)
From Examiner, (("HH sex tape? Don't need more boring proof Terry is impotent with tiny, shriveled-up balls. And finding out he's lesbian is 2 much 4 even me."))
Again, Mr. Warrior makes no sense in 150 characters. What does that even mean, Warrior. Geez...
Warrior:  Snort, I will crush you with my eyeballs, Hulk Hogan.  

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