Monday, March 12, 2012

Follow up on the Trayvon Martin case

Follow up on the Trayvon Martin case
As more and more details about this case start to come out, I am starting to see favoritism in this George Zimmerman, the man the killed the teen. Why isn't Zimmerman not in jail?
1 He ignored the order to stop following Martin. And, Martin ended up getting killed because of it.
2 Zimmerman has a record: From JD Journal ((The father of the teen, Tracy Martin, was told by police that Zimmerman had a ‘squeaky-clean’ record and that is why he has not been charged yet. Zimmerman was arrested back in 2005 in Orange County for resisting arrest using violence and battery on a law enforcement officer, according to public records. The records were found with the Orange County Clerk of Courts. The charges were filed in July of 2005 but were dropped. Martin was only 17-years-old at the time of the shooting, which took place in Sanford. ))
So, he not only resisted arrest, but he attacked an officer too. Because Zimmerman studied criminal justice, they dropped the charges. If that had been me, I'm sure I'd gotten the shoot first and ask questions later routine. So, this guy had a gun and was a leader of the neighborhood watch group.

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