Monday, March 26, 2012

The Career of Eddie Murpy: from good to bad Part 4

The Nutty Professor:  Now, this is where people say Eddie switched to a more family centered mode of acting.  However, if you go back and watch it again, Eddie’s “Buddy Love’s character says some mean and dirty things throughout the movie.  It pushes the limits of PG13.  Jada Pinkett Smith has never looked as cute as she does in this movie.  She’s pretty good and works well with Eddie in both personalities.  While I don’t think someone as cute as Smith would even bother dating someone like Klump, I do like the simple message of what inside is what counts.  This is a good movie from Eddie, but it gets worst from here on.  And, Dave Chappelle is great as the rude comedian.
Eddie:  "Whoa, don't blame me for this shitty movie."
Metro:  Completely forgettable and bland.  It isn’t really a comedy, except the ads made it seem like a standard action comedy.  It is not a comedy or even an action movie with comedy thrown in.  It is merely a boring movie.  I am guessing Eddie did this one for the money.  

Mulan:  A pretty film and one of my favorite Disney movies.  Eddie plays the comedic sidekick ™ and has fun with the role as the stunted little dragon.  Clearly, this character and his Donkey character are basically the same type.  And, that’s probably the joke in the Shrek movies.  Plus, he has one of the funniest lines in the film, Mushu: Did you see those Huns? They popped out of the snow, like daisies!
Did I mention Mushu actually kills the real spirit dragon by accident?  
 Eddie:  "Hey, didn't they copy the recent Zookeeper off of this?"
Doctor Dolittle:  Another remake movie from an old film. They took the hit formula of the Nutty Professor and kid-friendly it up 50% and this is what we got.  I didn’t like this at all.  I thought it was very bland and didn’t have the edge that NP had.  It made a lot of money, so there you go.  This movie spawned a few DVD sequels too.  (Dolittle 3)
Holy Man:  "Someday, you will be the defender of Earth from space aliens, using a Mac.  And, you will be married to a guy in a religion that believes in aliens.  Enjoy."
Holy Man:  I always get this movie mixed up with Bowfinger.  I really hated this movie a lot. A holy man is thrown into an OVC type of show.  I don’t know why Eddie signed up for this thing.  BTW, this GCI face thing is not funny. Avoid this movie. 
 In a few years, these two will hang on their careers by dressing up as fat women.
Life:  This is a somewhat serious movie combined with some comedic touches.  It also reunites Eddie with Martin Lawrence.  The movie is often overlooked when people talk about Eddie’s career, and it does help that Lawrence is good in the story too.  I actually like it, despite the somewhat sad ending.  They don’t get out of prison until late in their lives.  I kind of wished he would have stayed with making these types of films.  Remember the pretty good K-Ci and Jo-Jo song based on the movie?

Side Note: Someone else did a really good post about Eddie's career here too. Check it out.  We kind of hit on the same things.    (good blog too)

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