Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whitney Houston Dead (48)

Whitney Houston Dead
From Rolling Stone, ((Whitney Houston was found dead today in a Beverly Hills hotel room, the Los Angeles Times is reporting.
Paramedics arriving at the Beverly Hilton found the singer's body.  ))
Well, we knew it was going to happen. No one parties that hard without it coming back to hit you hard. This is what happened to Whitney. She only 48 years old. That is extremely young for someone to die in such manner.
Like Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse, this a wake up call to substance abusers.
She was an amazing artist with an outstanding voice. She brought many elements of R&B and Soul to the mainstream. In her prime, she was a pretty woman. (Yep, a good looking woman with talent too.) She came around during an age when you had to have real talent to reach the charts.
I remember hearing her songs and loving the smooth sounds coming from the music. Her voice was simply outstanding. A lot of female artists have modeled their voices after hers.
She also had some pretty good roles in a few movies. (The Bodyguard  Waiting to Exhale  )
At one point, she was just as big as Michael Jackson. That all changed...
Years later, she started to be known for her heavy drug use instead of her music or acting. I remember seeing her in a performance and she couldn't even hit all of those high notes she once could. It was really sad to hear and watch that. Then there was the train wreck of that stupid reality show with Bobby Brown.  That show just made both of them look like jokes. And, do you remember that strange interview she did where she said, “Crack is whack”?
Oh, Boy. 
Here are some of my favorite hits from over the years. I guess having an amazing talent wasn't enough for her and she turned inward and started destroying herself. A real shame I say.
Side Note: For fun, I would loudly sing “I'm Every Woman” just to get people to laugh seeing a big dude singing that song. Sometimes my other manly friends would join me in the song.

How will I know...
Good Love
Saving All My Love
I wanna dance with somebody

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