Monday, February 06, 2012

Star Trek Voyager “The Thaw” Final Scene

 Star Trek Voyager “The Thaw” Final Scene
Probably one of the best episodes from that troubled series has to be the episode The Thaw. Basically, people from a deep freeze have their minds actively through a dream world program. Their minds created a projection of their collective fears in the form of The Clown (Michael McKean). This Clown terrorized them and had a desire to live on through the program.
The best part of the program is the way Captain Janeway tricks the Clown into destroying himself. It is wonderfully directed with the lights going down slowly until it is completely dark and the music fades. That is a very wonderful ending.  A real shame we couldn't have gotten more shows like this. 
By the way, check out McKean's expression at the end...priceless.
Clown: “I'm afraid.”
Janeway: “I know.”
Clown: “Drat.” 

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