Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Snooki: is Pregnant? Oh, God oh man.

Snooki: is Pregnant? Oh, God oh man.
From the Ottawa Citizen, ((Snooki is pregnant, everybody. At least, that’s what the New York Post is claiming, reporting her wee one is just three months along — and reportedly fathered by the 24-year-old’s boyfriend and sometime Jersey Shore co-star Jionni LaValle.

Read more: ))
Please say it isn't so. If you remember, she denied it few months back. I guess no one uses birth control anymore.
There are few things that bother me about this news.
1 This will spawn another TV show: I know they have a spinoff in the works, but now her 15 minutes of fame will be extended to 30 minutes. People will tune in just to see her horror child.
2 She is unfit to be a mom: Not everyone is meant to have children.
And, I have to agree with Teppi Jacobsen.
From Chicago Now, ((I am not an old fashioned gal but I still believe people should have children when they are married, or at the very least planned them and are emotionally mature enough to handle it. It's certainly not that she can't handle it financially. We all know that the cast earns a ridiculous amount of money for being slutty and dancing at Karma.  ))
Instead of fading into the mist of unpopular, we're going to see even more of this troll. Wonderful...
This is how I few about the news...

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