Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Random Things

Random Things
~Miley Cyrus pothead: Why is she known for her pot smoking and partying instead of her singing? Do you remember when she used to sing songs? Cyrus was supposed to be in the animated Hotel Transylvania but dropped out. She claims she wants to focus in her music. But, I am calling BS on that. I don't care that she is smoking pot, but I think she is moving a little too fast with the partying given her age. Man, does she want to destroy that Disney image.
~For a videogame class, I downloaded Steam onto my computer. I have to play videogames on the system in order to pass the class. Right now, I am playing Bioshock. I love the game, and this is coming from a gamer that hates First Person Shooters. I really like the more RPG elements to the game. I've heard what MC has written about Steam, and it is a good program. I just can't play the bigger newer games. I barely got the game to work on my PC, but it works.
~Can we agree that Sean Young is crazy?: There is a reason people won't hire her for movie roles. She got into some strange scuffle with a security guard, because she didn't have a ticket. She ended up getting arrested for the incident. She is a mess, and this is coming from the guy that liked her in Blade Runner. Drunks always have ruin crap for everyone else.

~That kid that shot up the school yesterday: It looks like there is a pattern of violence in the kid's history. His father has a record of beating women, including the kid's mother. When are we going to start making connections between violence and domestic violence? That's no excuse for his actions, but still the pattern needs to be noted.
~That's Cra-Cra: The next time I hear this phrase again, I am going to cuss someone out. Words can't express how much I hate this new trendy word. Cra-Cra is short for “crazy”. I guess it is a little more than just being crazy. Can't people simple use the word “Crazy” instead? You're actually saying more letters using Cra-Cra than using the original word. Cra-Cra is Stu-Stu.
~ “Nice F'ing model” Honk-Honk: I guess Beetlejuice is basically an undead clown. So, that means he can honk his crotch area like in this clip. Movie guys like myself think of these sort of things.


  1. Dude, add me on Steam. I can help you find things you can run (and if you are running Bioshock, you can probably run Portal as well, which I can give you).

    My username is writinguy

  2. Cool.
    I am going to look you right now.

  3. Sweet Thanks for the game. I actually have to play this game for class.

  4. I won that copy during the Steam Holiday sale.

    If you are looking for more games on Steam, you should keep an eye out for stuff like the Humble Bundle, Indie Gala and the like, since they are usually cheaper per game and since they are indie games, their requirements aren't as strenuous as triple A titles.

  5. What other games are on the curriculum? Part of me thinks Braid is also on that list.

  6. I Think Braid and Baston are on the list too. I have to check.

    We played Gemini Rue and To The Moon as well. Plus a bunch of Hypertext games/stories and Fasade.

  7. I may be writing an entry tomorrow (well, tomorrow is when I get up after this) that may be of interest to you regarding this subject.

  8. I'm going to read it tonight after an extended nap. (huge bike ride around the city)
