Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Flip the Script: The other side of overreaction: One Million Moms (JC Penney and Ellen)

Flip the Script: The other side of overreaction: One Million Moms
JC Penny decided to have Ellen DeGeneres as their spokeswoman for their company. Then, here comes the One Million Moms group to try to get JC Penney to fire Ellen because she is gay.
From Reuters ((Breaking her silence on the furor, DeGeneres, one of America's best known gay celebrities, also poked fun at the One Million Moms group who had urged J.C. Penney to drop her as a spokeswoman because she is a lesbian and said they would boycott the store. ))
This is what she had to say about the story...
And, I have to give Ellen cool points from not running away from OMM and standing up to their attacks.
The biggest hero to come out of this story is Bill O'Reilly.
From the Huffington Post, ((He likened the group's boycott of the Texas-based retail chain after they hired DeGeneres to a "witch hunt." He went on to note, "What is the difference between the McCarthy era of the '50s and the Million Moms saying, 'Hey, JCPenney and all you other stores, don't you hire any gay people. Don't you dare.' What is the difference?" ))
I know that those OMMs thought they had an ally in Bill, but he came out and smashed them with his comparison. Brilliant. I am not a huge O'Reilly fan, but damn did he own them on this one. This is merely a witch hunt and an attack.
This is same problem I had with GLAAD going after that CNN reporter for his remarks. GLAAD needs to confront the OMM group instead of going after small fries.
Hey Ellen. Now, if we can get an apology for making the movie Mr. Wrong, I will be happy.

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