Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

 Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
Finally, there is a spoof movie that does the whole spoof thing right.  It stands on its own as standalone movie, but clearly takes the piss out of horror movies.  I actually laughed a great deal with some of the scenes.  And, I like both Tucker and Dale as characters.  The movie is silly, doesn’t fall into the “spoof movie” mode of jokes. 
The movie is about a group of college kids going to a camping site out in the middle of nowhere.  They encounter some hillbillies that are mostly harmless and rather buffoonish and laughable.  Through a series of misunderstandings, the college kids and hillbillies clash and a lot of people die or get hurt. 
It is like the college kids are in horror movie, while the hillbillies, Tucker and Dale, are in a slapstick movie.  Tyler Labine does a great job playing the loveable Dale.  He seems to make him more than a stupid hillbilly.  Then again, the movie is about breaking stereotypes.  His friend Tucker is played wonderfully by Alan Tudyk (Firefly).  He seems to be a good guy too, if a little simple.  I loved his scenes with the bees and the wood chipper.   
The rest of the cast is merely a group of teenagers that behave like teens do in these sorts of movies, except they are a little dumber.  And, that’s part of the fun of T&D.  They have no idea their falling into the same clichés those modern movies tend to set up.  They view Tucker and Dale as inbred rednecks out to kill them.
The standout character from the college group is Jesse Moss.  He plays the unstable teen that has some problems and is the main reason the group gets into the trouble they’re in.  He slowly descends into madness, which I found humorous. 
The gore is the movie is intense, but people have seen this type of gore before.  And, it is done in such a goofy manner that it shouldn’t offend too many people.  And, the gore FX is really good and rivals other modern horror films from today. 
The movie does feel a little long, but that is a minor gripe.  The movie isn’t for everyone, but it is a rather funny dark comedy.  It can stand by itself as movie, but it is a fun send up to horror movies too.
Grade: B-
Yes, the light blue collar shirt says “I am a d-bag”.  

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